Saturday, July 26, 2008

Things I Didn't Know, but now do.

Thing #1

the wheels are true enough

[true] can be used in a way to describe how physically straight or aligned something is.

zakkuree: true means no wobble
justinity: oh is that bike slang
zakkuree: i dont know. true is used for other things too
justinity: wow !
justinity: i am OUTTA it boy

Thing #2

Queen ants can live up to 30 years.. in a chamber..underground never to be exposed to sunlight ..serving her colony by producing one egg per day. That's disgusting ... and deeply fascinating.

( i was going to attach a photo of a queen ant but found that it was way too graphic )

Some other ant facts: They are attracted to honeydew. They communicate with one another through the release of pheromones. Male ants have wings and their sole task is to mate with females...soon after they mate, they die. The ants you see in your home are referred to as "foragers."

Thing #3

Thanks to Zach & Victoria's Secret, I now know my correct bra size! Apparently many women are clueless about size -- 70% of us! This online guide is pretty cool: "How To Figure Your True Bra Size."

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

The Dark Knight

My thoughts *beware: includes spoilers*

I went in with sky-high expectations after hearing friends' and critics' rave reviews.

My brother came home and couldn't stop talking about how amazing Heath Ledger was as The Joker (he kept quoting him too which was both disturbing and irritating) and about just how fulfilling it was overall, albeit exhausting (nearly 3 hrs).

Jeff, in response to my facebook status in which I called it "just a movie," wrote me a message saying in fact IT WAS MUCH MORE THAN A MOVIE, and that I needed to watch it to understand. I was tired of hearing about it, I wanted to watch it and find out for myself. So I did, alongside my mother, Sunday afternoon, opening weekend. . . and now, here are my thoughts.

I liked the movie as a sequel to Batman Begins, and overall as one in the comic book action hero genre. It had many moments of suspense. It had a couple twists and jaw-drops. For one, I could not believe that Rachel died. Bruce Wayne did not show much grief, just one solemn morning of rain...Harvey Dent as a result became Two-face..and here begins my disappointment...

I didn't like Dent as Two-face because I didn't buy it. I think this may be because as District Attorney, he wasn't completely convincing as clean cut and saintly ..he was just sort of a big shot who knew how to woo an audience..the contrast was not great enough. So his rage did not sprout from a character of depth..instead his rage just seemed over the top, forced, and almost trivial. I cared more about The Joker.

In addition, I felt the movie lacked depth and emotion (namely, Rachel's relationship with both Bruce and Harvey..I mean, really, I didn't see a connection with either..I love Maggie as an actress, but she failed to convince me that she loved Harvey Dent. The letter she wrote to Bruce, her screaming to Harvey as the clock's ticked, and the accumulation of all the scenes with her and Harvey failed to capture it)...I understand the film's focus was not love . . . but in order to be epic, the love presented must at the very least be believable.

So for me it was two things: Harvey Dent's weak transformation and a general lack of depth & emotion that left me feeling Okay, but not totally and completely enthused.

The Joker, we can all agree, was a spot-on performance by Heath Ledger. Well, spot-on assumes there's someone to imitate. Heath Ledger made The Joker his own. All the gestures & antics: parting his greasy yellow-green hair, the lip licking, the hunched over arms flailing and rise and fall of his voice in mid-explanation. Seamless...Brilliant.

The action was up to par. The whole sonar technology business seemed kinda forced in there..How did Bruce manage to program everyone's cellphones? and other things too...

So, that was my review. A downer, I know. I can say though that I am excited to see where Chris Nolan takes the next one...With Harvey Dent and Heath Ledger dead, I wonder who the next featured villain will be!

In related news, Christian Bale is not as stable as he is as Bruce Wayne. Apparently he assaulted his mother and sister the other day in a hotel.

OKAY, so what did you think about The Dark Knight?

Monday, July 14, 2008

Keeping In Touch

Now that we've all graduated and literally are starting on our separate's important that we keep in touch - with a postcard from our travels or a letter about our everyday life. Here is a sample of the mail I've been happy to receive this summer!

Jess: Barcelona, Spain



Neh: Florence, Italy



Andrea: Paris, France sent from Amsterdam, Netherlands



Stevie: Suburbs, Philly


- - - - - - - - -

A fine sample I hope keeps expanding. Yes, I love receiving handwritten notes! Also, keep reading my blog because I plan on posting lots more this summer. My next post will probably be about My Long-term Aspirations & Fun summer things.

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Thursday, July 10, 2008

hot hot heat & being green

how to deal with this mid summer heat:

jump into the pool.

i've also been pretty green these days. what does that mean?

finding ways to make trips by car more efficient...getting errands done in one trip.
using public transportation to get to the city and getting around the city
not minding if there's pee in the toilet when i have to go...
and sometimes not flushing after peeing myself...(trust me this took awhile to get over)
killing ants and using their flesh as fuel...
using major appliances such as my washer/dryer & desktop after 7pm (thanks PG&E for that tip)
10 minute showers

someday this will expand into

buying a hybrid or a v. fuel efficient car
doing most of my veggie and fruit shopping at the farmer's market
bringing my own set of chopsticks to those restaurants that provide disposable wooden ones
somehow saving that water that is wasted while i wait for the shower water to heat up
buying earth friendly attire
& other things

any other ideas / tips?