It's hard.

We're all fighting our own battles. Fight yours. Don't waste your time discounting others'. Remember that everything is relative. You don't know how it feels to be a baby born blind, bill gates' kid, or your only know how you feel.
It's hard. Letting go of anger, regret, bitterness, jealousy, et al. it's hard, but you have to try to be the best side of you. You have to focus more on making sure you're okay, that you're doing things for yourself (i'm not encouraging raging self-centeredness either)...but, what I mean to say is...don't worry about the people that previously made you angry, that have broken your heart, that have disrespected you, made you question humanity, that represent everything you don't, made you cry, made you feel insecure and ridiculous and alone. Don't worry about their lives. They have battles to fight too. I think, how you will know when you are finally "over it," is when you can laugh. Smile, right? When you stop wishing ill will towards them. When you are more concerned with beautiful, great, real things. When their suffering does not please you. When above anything else, you feel neutrality. Then and only then have you successfully gotten over it. That day will come sooner than you know. =)
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