Meeting Tyler Florence

I'll be honest, I wasn't very familiar with Tyler Florence until I met him today with Clark, who is a fan. Going to his cooking demo, watching the faces of captivated mid-forty females in floral pants and bright knit tops, I understood. I understood that the Food Network probably is a way of life for some, Tyler Florence is no different than Tom Cruise and that buying a pasta maker is actually very necessary.

THAT cloth-like length will soon become pasta.

Tyler signing his name.

I don't know why but it took me so long to decide to sit in that chair next to Tyler. The lady was like "One of you has to sit in the chair. That's just how it works." I wasn't nervous per se, just confused as to why I had to sit so close to a man I barely knew, as though I was the hungry fanatic who memorized and practiced all of Tyler's professional chef rituals, I was not. While I struggled to finally sit in the damn chair, I don't regret it. He is nice. And Clark is nice too for taking these pictures of me with a Shell fountain that I adore.

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